
I’m Sara and I’m a multidisciplinary designer with a background in UX, information, and graphic design. I love being part of the service of a product that helps people— and I strive to craft unique experiences that are fluid, adaptable, and align with my value system.

Feel free to Say hello.


“Design depends largely on constraints.”
Charles & Ray Eames

“Design is art that people use.”
Ellen Lupton

“Right and wrong do not exist in graphic design. There is only effective and non-effective communication.”
Peter Biľak

“I guess I’m never sure that print is truly linear. It’s more a simultaneous medium.”
Muriel Cooper

“Designers think about the future and imagine a better one.”
Bruce Mau

“L'uovo ha una forma perfetta benché sia fatto col culo.”
Bruno Munari

“Design is just language. The real issue is what you use that language to do.”
Tibor Kalman

“…Canonization without critique is an exercise in romantic fantasy, so I say, Fuck Tibor.”
Dmitri Siegel

“Clutter and confusion are failures of design, not attributes of information.”
Edward Tufte